Life Lately: Moving to Connecticut

I’ve been meaning for a while to write a post sharing that we’re moving “down south” to Connecticut 🙂

In March, we purchased 42 acres of wooded land that we’re rather determined to turn into a little farm. A little farm fifteen minutes from Hartford, that is. I’d like to say this is one of our crazier ideas, but we’ve done worse.

Our lives, like so many people’s lives, were upended in 2020. We’ve been working ever since to reestablish ourselves and put down new roots.

The last two years were fraught with changes in friendship and community, challenges with our kids and school, aging parents, navigating work, leaving our church of twelve years, selling the house we remodeled and love, and yes — for all of this — moving to Connecticut.

I’m tired. When I have time to sit and think, I daydream about taking a long walk, napping, or sitting in the sunshine. Someday, maybe 🙂

Until then, we spend our days taking long car rides in every direction for work, church, and school, packing our big house into small boxes for a year in a townhouse, and planning and dreaming about the farmhouse we’ll soon start building on our land.

By this fall, our house should be sold and we should be moved to Connecticut. Our kids will be starting at a new school (and attending the same school for the first time!). And we should be seeing construction underway on our land and farmhouse.

That’s a lot of should’s. But if all those should’s become our reality, I’m confident all the crazy and stress of the last two years will be worth it.

And one thing I’m excited about with all these changes, is sharing pictures and stories of this new adventure. If anything should give me something to write about, it’s building a farm and farmhouse fifteen minutes from Hartford, right?

I named the house we’re in now Abigail — because she’s an old Colonial. Well, I’m naming our next home Little Farm. It will be our little farm in the city, and I couldn’t be more pleased.

Here’s to the next adventure

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